
Quick and Easy AAMVA PDF417 Barcode Generator

Comprehensive barcode generation tailored to your needs. Create compliant AAMVA PDF417 barcodes effortlessly.

How to generate AAMVA PDF417 barcode

Easy to Use

iDataCode features an intuitive interface that makes entering and verifying data simple. With just three easy steps, you can obtain a compliant AAMVA PDF417 barcode quickly and efficiently.

Accurate DL/ID Data Encoding

iDataCode AAMVA PDF417 barcode generator maps the driving license/identification (DL/ID) card machine-readable information elements onto a AAMVA PDF417 two dimensional bar code.
Standard used in AAMVA PDF417 barcode generator
AAMVA PDF417 barcode generator data structure

Mandatory machine-readable technology – PDF417

The pdf417 driver licence barcode generator produces two dimensional bar code symbology is the mandatory machine-readable technology that must be present on compliant DL/ID documents. The primary function of the driver license document is to provide evidence of driving privileges and restrictions. The remaining functions of the DL/ID documents are to aid in: identity and age verification, automation of administrative processing, and address verification. All mandatory and optional data may be unencrypted with our AAMVA PDF417 barcode generator . Issuing jurisdictions may encrypt jurisdiction-specific data in a separate subfile or within a different storage media.
A jurisdiction integrates additional machine-readable technologies into the DL/ID documents as long as they are compatible with the minimum mandatory requirements of AAMVA PDF417 barcode standard.

For Users Seeking More

If you need more privacy and mobility in AAMVA PDF417 barcode generating beyond what is offered by the iDataCode web-based service, consider downloading our iOS app, iDataCode: AAMVA PDF417. It provides a secure and convenient way to manage your AAMVA PDF417 barcode generation needs on your iPhone or iPad.
Download on the App Store
pdf417 driver license barcode generator

Proven Reliability and Exceptional Support

Our pdf417 driver licence barcode generator has been tested and proven in various jurisdictions, producing barcodes that meet specific regulatory requirements. With a vast number of customer-generated barcodes, we offer reliable, accurate solutions backed by our responsive support team. We are committed to addressing customer inquiries and improving usability based on real-world feedback.
Our most recent update, which introduced a drag-and-drop option for mandatory elements, was directly driven by customer input, enhancing both the ease of use and flexibility of our pdf417 driver licence barcode generator.


A prerequisite for conformance with AAMVA PDF417 standard for bar coding is conformance with ANSI X3.182, ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, ASCII/ISO 646, ASCII/ISO 8859-1, ISO/IEC 15438, and MIL-L-61002.


AAMVA PDF417 barcode generator iDataCode encodes data into the PDF417 symbology (ISO/IEC 15438 Automatic Identification and Data Capture Techniques - International Two-dimensional Symbology Specification - PDF417) shall be used for the Driver License applications. Compliant 2D symbols employ a file header that allows interested parties to interpret the encoded data. Subfiles are employed to carry the specific information. The combination of a header and one or more subfile designators make up a compliant 2D symbol. Each 2-dimensional bar code begins with a file header that identifies the generated AAMVA PDF417 barcode as complying with the standard. The header is followed by a subfile designator “DL” to identify the DL/ID data type stored in the file. Each data element contained in a subfile is prefaced by a data element identifier (Element ID) as defined in the standard. The use of a field separator character serves to both terminate a field and indicate the presence of a following field identifier.